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Celebrate the 4th with American Pixels on Kickstarter

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The 4th of July is not usually a holiday one would expect to find a lot of VGM or chiptune albums dedicated to it. However Christopher “Mazedude” Getman decided to get in on the untapped potential of such an idea and run with it with his American Pixels [2] tribute album to all things American video game music.

I’ve been working on an album for 5+ years now, celebrating American video game music composers by way of remix and special guest performances. (I released a free album along the same theme back in ’05, which you can learn more about here: http://www.mazedude.com/aa/ [3]) – Mazedude

The album features arrangements of several video game OSTs with American composers, including Mass Effect 2, Maniac Mansion, Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, DC Universe and more by several top-tier musicians within the VGM community such as David “Dhsu” Hsu (Bad Dudes), William Reyes (The OneUps), Sean “Ailsean” Stone (Bad Dudes, Smash Brothers) and a handful of other talented artists.

“Dragonborn Concerto” – Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Preview)

http://www.originalsoundversion.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/1_Dragonborn_Concerto_Skyrim_preview.mp3 [4]

The album is currently seeking $5,000 in funding on Kickstarter to help produce the album, and has several previews of what you can expect to hear from the bevvy of tracks and musicians.

I’ve been making arrangements of game music for 15 years, mostly for free and always at a quality I could achieve with my own gear. Just this once, I want to take a project all the way, with proper mastering, I want to license it so that it can arrive at iTunes and Amazon, and even though it’s more of a bucket-list thing, I really want to be able to have the official, physical CD done right.

You can learn more about the campaign on the American Pixels official Kickstarter [2] page, which launched today. The digital album can be backers at the $9 tier, with other tiers including a physical album, requesting special remixes by Mazedude himself, and adding your voice to the choir of the Phantasmagoria track. You can also check out Mazedude’s other works on his Bandcamp [5].