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For Your Epic Drive Home – Project CARS Original Soundtrack Released


 Stephen Baysted, award-winning British film, game and television composer has released his original soundtrack for the best-selling racing game Project CARS on publisher label Red Rocca. Baysted’s previous game soundtrack credits include The Walking Dead: Assault and Need For Speed series. Project CARS, released in May for PC and console, is a realistic racing simulator developed by Slightly Mad Studios and published by Namco Bandai that separates itself from industry leaders of the genre by being an open sandbox style of game, with Baysted lending his originality to the game’s score.
“Like all authentic racing simulation titles, there is no music during gameplay; car engines always take precedence. My job as composer is to try to enhance the player’s sense of immersion in this world of racing and deepen their emotional and psychological responses to it by ‘preparing’ them for the race. The music in the menu system is therefore dramatic, gripping, epic, gladiatorial and is infused with race day sounds – cars, crowds, tannoys – so that it links directly to the sound world they will be exposed to whilst racing.”
Stephen Baysted – Press Release

Project CARS is available now on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC.  You can purchase the Project CARS soundtrack via iTunes [2] and Amazon [3] for about $9.50 American dollars.

Project CARSWebsite [4]