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Tim Wright Issues Update on Ch’illout” Remix Album

chillout2016 [1]

Back in December, composer Tim Wright (aka CoLD SToRAGE [2]) announced plans for a chilled out remix album [3] of his tracks from the classic PlayStation racing series Wipeout. After a brief extension in January the pre-orders have officially been closed and Wright has sent out the first update on the project for anyone wondering when their CDs will arrive.

“The music is progressing really well. I’ve completed the compositional work, and the next couple of weeks will see me mastering and getting everything ready for shipping at the end of March.”

He goes on to add one “teeny-tiny” caveat: He and his family are moving from the UK to France and he’ll soon be working in Switzerland all while running a company and finishing the Ch’illout” [4] album. There’s definitely potential for the album to slip past its current shipping date of March 31st so we’ll be back with an update as the end of the month draws closer.

Wright also provided a couple test render images produced by original Psygnosis artists that will feature on the album’s two-disc packaging and poster. Though pre-orders have closed the site [4] currently offers interested parties an email address where they may still be able to purchase a copy of the album.