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Tim Wright’s Ch’illout” Album misses CD Release, on Digital in June

Tim Wright's Ch'illout" Album misses CD Release, on Digital in June

Ryan’s recent post on the Wipeout Omega Collection [1] tracklist reminded me about my own Wipeout [2] posts. Specifically, Psygnosis composer Tim Wright’s attempt at creating and producing an album of “chilled out” Wipeout remixes which has been in the works since, wow, December of 2015. Over the last year and a half the project has hit all the roadblocks you’d expect from a largely one-man production.

Through a series of updates on the official Ch’illout” [3] facebook page Wright has relayed a job change that led to a move across continents, health problems, and most detrimental of all, a breakdown with the company handling the album’s physical production. With each announcement the date slipped farther and farther through 2016.

On May 18th Wright offered the latest update [4], admitting that the double disc CD release isn’t going to happen “at the moment”. The album is now lining up to release digitally alongside the Wipeout Omega Collection on PlayStation 4 in early June. Along with the sincere apology to those who pre-ordered the album, Wright offers all of his future digital music “for free for life” and hopes to be able to send out some kind of physical goods once the album is out; he mentions the gatefold poster that would’ve come bundled with the CD as a possibility.

At last count [5] the album had grown to include 18 tracks, each one a slowed-down remix of Wright’s contributions to both the original Wipeout and Wipeout XL on PlayStation. Over the months Wright has released a few demo tracks on his Soundcloud [6] page or you can take a listen above.

Full disclosure, I’m one of those folks who pre-ordered the album back when it was first announced. It’s disappointing to miss out on the physical release but I can appreciate the risk and challenges involved in bringing something like this out yourself. And the music’s still coming which is ultimately what I really wanted to begin with.

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#1 Comment By Merman On May 31, 2017 @ 6:03 am

Honesty is better – we still get the music.