Game Music, Software

KORG DS-10 Contest Winner: Stories With Caves and KAOSS

January 2, 2009 | | 7 Comments Share thison Facebook KORG DS-10 Contest Winner: Stories With Caves and KAOSSon Twitter

Well, I’m glad that you guys came through after my angry post a few weeks ago. We got a bunch of great entries, and the fact that we have only one copy to give away made this the hardest contest to judge so far. However, winner Mike C. won us over with his thoroughness and awesome remix recommendation.

How about Cave Story? This game looks amazing (I’ve been anticipating the WiiWare release), and I haven’t spoiled the soundtrack for myself yet by listening to samples or gameplay footage. In terms of DS-10 features, it seems like the KAOSS pad is a popular among fans.

Great job Mike and everyone who entered (it was really tough), and thanks go to XSEED for providing us with this copy to give to you guys!

Read with the winning entry from Mike C. after the jump.

Hello Original Sound Version! The name’s Mike. I’m a video game music enthusiast, really. But who isn’t nowadays? Anyway… to the point!

As I mentioned before, I’m really into the music and the history of music in games. I first saw the Korg DS-10 on’s feature, and back then the software had not been scheduled for a release outside of Japan. It was a definite import for me, but I’m sort of… well… BROKE. I’m only a kid (15), ya know? But that’s neither here nor there. What really interested me about the Korg DS-10 was the sheer expansiveness of its capabilities.

The entire thing just sounded so surreal- when browsing synthesizers online, the price range for them is very high. The DS-10 makes music creation software accessible to people like myself who have a passion and a motivation to create music, yet don’t have the financial means or experience to purchase these high caliber synthesizers. I post my work up on my Destructoid blog. I have a real knack for creating my own arrangements of video game jingles, and with such a user-friendly-yet-enormous interface of the DS-10, it seems like the perfect fit for me.

One feature in particular that made me jump for joy at the idea of the DS-10 was Korg’s famous KAOSS Pad. These soundbabies go for 300 dollars at least! I thought to myself that it’s almost like the DS-10 is giving away such intuitive software, so why not take a grab at it? Seeing the pad in action, I belive the KAOSS Pad exemplifies the principle that music doesn’t make itself- it has to be set in motion. Music has its foundation, like all other arts, in the idea of interaction.

Being a fan of improvisation, I like to let myself go free when I’m playing music. There’s nothing like letting your fingers rip away at the keys and strings, let the music carry you into… Yeah, there’s nothing like it. And I’m sure there’s nothing quite as satisfying as making a jammin’ arrangement and hearing it for yourself. Being able to fine tune your musical abilities, far beyond just one instrument. And therein lies the essence of the KORG DS-10. In arrangement, in improvisation, and in the resonance of an individual’s creativity.

One theme I’d love to see remade are some of the themes from Cave Story, or Doukutsu Monogatari. It still amazes me that one man, Daisuke Amaya was able to acheive such inspiration to create such a magnificent soundtrack. Amaya arranged Cave Story’s entire soundtrack with 8-bit chiptunes- a true feat for a single man. Which is why I’d love to pay tribute to him through some remixes. It’s difficult to truly capture the feeling of 8-bit soundtracks with just one instrument (a piano, in my case), which is why the Korg DS-10 is again, just perfect for a task like that. With what I’ve seen and heard so far of the DS-10, I’m REALLY interested in what it could do. Who knows? Maybe Amaya’s divine inspiration will push me to make my own soundtrack! But I don’t think that’ll happen anytime soon…

I guess I wrote a little too much. Oops! Anyway, hope I win this contest. Really look forward to seeing the results!

Happy holidays,

Mike C.

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