Game Music

Square Enix on iTunes: Temporarily Offline

January 18, 2012 | | 9 Comments Share thison Facebook Square Enix on iTunes: Temporarily Offlineon Twitter

Anyone notice that Square Enix’s entire catalog of music is no longer available on iTunes? Not a single Final Fantasy or SQ album in sight. Apparently there was a reason for it, and Square Enix has offered the following statement regarding the recent disappearance:

“Currently, official Square Enix soundtracks are temporarily unavailable for sale due to the changes we are going through with the iTunes North American service. The items will be available as soon as the preparations are in place. We hope to resume availability of these items by March.”

I know many of us import music from Japan because we like the packaging, but I’m sure this has impacted some. In the meantime, Square Enix recently added the Final Fantasy XIII-2 soundtrack to their North America store for $34.99 (down from $39.99) which is an approximate $10 discount compared to the Dollar-to-Yen import price.

Feel free to chime in and let us know what you think and whether their iTunes service is an important avenue for you to acquire their music.

[Thanks Sam and Robby!]

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