Game Music

The VGO VIP Tickets Winner Is…

September 28, 2012 | | Comment? Share thison Facebook The VGO VIP Tickets Winner Is…on Twitter

… Mike K.!

Though randomly selected, it’s worth sharing here: Mike’s proposed statements for each composer and for the VGO are very cool. I share many of his sentiments (and his request to Shota at the end!). Here’s what he wrote in:

What I would say to the guests:

Sakimoto: Your music was the soundtrack of my childhood. Even today I’ve never played a game more than I played Final Fantasy Tactics. More recently, I love your work in Valkyria Chronicles!
Iwadare: Objection! I haven’t played enough of the Phoenix Wright games you’ve composed for, so I plan to fix that. Also, thank you so much for the brand new Grandia medley, it was absolutely amazing! [I’m assuming, but how could it not be?]
Yamashita: What is it like knowing that your very first video game composition has become such a popular classic? Also, what do you think of the more recent arrangements of your songs, like Vampire Killer from tonight? I hope you like living here in the US!
Shimomura: You are an inspiration to me. You’re my favorite composer of all time, I love all of your work, and you’re the reason I started playing piano again after stopping for ten years. Thank you for everything.

Shota: Which composer’s music was your favorite to arrange? Just kidding, you don’t have to answer that. Seriously, thanks so much for bringing live video game music to Boston when most other concerts are focused on the west coast. You’ve brought so much joy to myself and many others. And thanks especially for enabling us to meet so many wonderful artists. I only have one request: Yasunori Mitsuda was a planned guest for last year’s concert, but had to cancel. Dare I hope he might try again sometime soon… ?

Mike K., you will be receiving an email shortly with more show information including how and when to pick up your VIP tickets! Thanks everyone for playing, and if you didn’t win them here, there’s still time to purchase tickets before the Sunday, October 7th show!

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