Game Music, Indie Music

CrossCode Original Game Soundtrack Now Available

September 21, 2018 | | Comment? Share thison Facebook CrossCode Original Game Soundtrack Now Availableon Twitter

The hype train of retro-inspired games keeps chugging along and doing quite well for itself. The 2D Action RPG CrossCode by Radical Fish games has only been out a day and is already receiving overwhelmingly positive reviews from gamers and review outlets alike. You can now also nab the game’s soundtrack on several platforms to enjoy offline too!

The CrossCode Original Game Soundtrack was composed by German indie artist Deniz Akbulut  (that “Rice Ball” the devs refer to…yes actually) and features a huge repertoire of 60+ original tracks that themselves harken back to the early days of 16-bit gaming on the SNES and beyond.

I started writing the the soundtrack way back when I was graduating from high school. Since then, I worked on it on the side while I attended university. CrossCode has always been part of my life, and I always tried to push myself to my limits to go out of my comfort zone. I hope you all have a great time with CrossCode and enjoy its music! – Deniz Akbulut, Composer

With well over two hours of music to enjoy, the CrossCode OST is well worth the price of purchase. You can pick it up on Bandcamp, iTunes and Google Play or just nip over to Spotify and stream it for your Friday workday enjoyment.

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